Grace Kim
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Unbelievable!!! History in the Making...

Unbelievable!!! History in the Making...

Current mood:  jubilant

Category: Life

When we're old, sittin' in our rocking chairs on the front porch, reminiscin' about the good ole' days, it's gonna be mothereffing cool that our generation will get to say, "During our lifetime, within our society, we lived during a time when:

THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT WAS ELECTED!!!!! OBAMA IN THE (WHITE) HOUUUSE! Can you smell what Barack is cookin'?? and I was Miss November 2008, representing the month when this historic moment actually happened???

Can I get a "Hallelujah?!" An "AMEN, SISTAH?!"

I know I'm going to remember this for the REST of my life...that personally, socially, culturally, and globally-- this moment destroyed SO many old-school ways of thinking and my own faith in the American public was fully restored. Did anyone else get goosebumps from that acceptance speech, btw? Such humble gratitude and sincerity...

Palin's probably aerial wolf-slaughtering away from grief due to loss (she didn't just admit to doing it solely for fun, now....play nice guys...let's cut her some slack, she's back in the soccer fields and her small governing office in Alaska, where she comfortably belongs. Making life and death decisions for America while conversing with international diplomats with that twitter..? Ummm.)

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english, korean
Los Angeles, United States
January 9, 2009