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The Special 21 (Eating vs Studying Brains)

Throughout history, during the modernization of science ... humanity has been fascinated with the 21 animals that are capable of using tools. While humans are amongst these 21, they've devoted much their history and attention in setting up rituals to study and even eat the brains of the other 20 -alive . We've termed human eating other human brains as cannabilism. Note: humans eating other human brain matter have been known to trigger a prionic disease called kuru.

Here are the special 21:

1. American Badger 2. Blue Jay  3. Brown-headed Nuthatch 4.Chestnut-backed Chickadee 5. Chimpanzees 6. Common Bottlenose Dolphin 7. Crow (American) 8. Crow (New Caledonian)9. Elephant 10. Green Heron 11. Honey Badger 12. Human 13. Jay (Green) 14. Orangutan 15. Owl Burrowing 16. Sea otter 17. Tufted Capuchin18. Vulture (Egyptian) 19. Western Gorilla  20. White-headed Capuchin 21. Woodpecker Finch

Both Western and Eastern civilizations desired to eat these animals and their brains in order to enhance themselves.  

In the following documentary, you will see that the restaurant owner provides a kind of monkey (not a Chimpanzee or Orangutan) for the experience. The paying customers  (2 men and their wives) are unaware of this trickery and seemingly believe this is a great opportunity. Notice, the somewhat domesticated monkey suddenly starts to violently scream in panic as it approaches the table. Apparently, on a regular basis, it hears its friends having loud screams of distress followed by sudden silence. This type of conditioning actually can affect the neurotransmitters released in the brains creating even artificially higher neurotoxins.

Since science and ritual are fairly well separated, this information was not readily available the four subjects at the dinner table. They were definitely not enhanced but rather poisoned by toxic neurotransmitters.

1970-1980 (Warning: Viewers may find this to be disturbing):


1990-present day (Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have found a proprietary method to create an interface between the brain and the computer):

The mapping of the chimpanzee brain has allowed the use of robotic hands. The chimpanzee has been conditioned to replace the use of its own hands instead to operate the robotic hand to obtain food.



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