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The Science Behind Motivation ($ lowers creativity)

Readers of the recent writings know that science in has been the recent theme:

  1. Advertising

  2. Speaking

  3. Entrepreneurial Training

  4. Motivation (Here we discuss 5% of the real science behind motivation and it is NOT how much you get paid. That actually leads only to narrowing your focus and decreasing your creativity).

  5. Leadership

  6. Creativity

In the topic of motivation, The Candle Problem is a classic study that has been used over and over again in top programs to indicate that motivation and incentivization are indirectly correlated. Money can incentivize but it will attract dumber people.  It doesn't lead to creativity.

Since no one like to read words, the following video by Daniel Pink highlights this concept brilliantly in last years TED conference:


about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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