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Smart Surrogates (Brains, Robots, Twitters, Experts)


In the Fall of 2009, the movie, "The Surrogates" was released to the public and really made people "think":


Most people don't realize that scientists are making this quite achievable in order to solve some of the world's toughest problems. Imagine if you could know how Einstein and expert like A. Gary Shillingthinks? Some of our brightest minds are no longer here and others are getting quite old. Sometimes we run into strange problems and we just would like to interview them and ask their input. The issue is the problem of the future is in the future and the person that can answer the questions is in a different time in the past. One way achievable way to mimic time travel is brain maps and understanding of how an exceptional leader/genius thinks. Imagine capturing that?

Video with A . Gary Shilling on H1N1 Swine Flu + Economic Effects:


Researchers have become fascinated with being able to read brain signals and to have them create functions. This thinking cap is a powerful invention and has the ability to revolutionize and even make parts of the Bruce Willis movie come to life.



This has really confounded the public . Bloggers who don't quite understand the science and the impact were already telling the world when they heard you could TWEET using your brain and no fingers. 

Video on TWEET WEEK Episode 15:

Even articles like TIME magazine do very little to share the true magnitude and power behind the invention. The editor's focused mainly on the  "twitter with no hands" concept.  Consequently, I just had to enclose the Rubik's Cube video to give readers' a contrast of what's possible. In having worked with this and other brain computer interfaces, I can tell you they are not even "scratching" the surface when they only talk about Brain Tweeting.

The following video will allow you to see as a patient is playing the Rubik's Cube, shaking their head or listening to a story, different parts of the brain light up in a 3D brain map. This is how far we've really been able to go and we're going further from here.


Future applications in handwriting recognition to reduce processing errors is another hot area of research:

On Wednesday 27 January 2010, there was a press release on Fox Business News that went way over people's heads. This illustrates how describing the scientifically complex is extremely difficult.  While a compelling story, the depth of knowledge required is atypical and only a few thousand in the world will grasp its fullest meanings in detail, overview and future applications.

Researchers from Dr. Nitish Thakor's Lab @ Johns Hopkins University using EEG, braincaps in robotics research:

Researchers working on a monkey learning to control robots. ie. eating a banana by thinking and learning to manipulate/control a robotic arm:


Super powered artificial limbs controlled by the brain (Military research):

A video on the generalities of brain mapping from UCLA:


Humor: In case you can't sleep at night and would like to get a taste of 1/10,000th of what people who work on translational algorithms talk like (Z Scores):


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