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Gordon Chiu
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Quarantine, Contingency Plans & Temporary Suspension of Rights For Safety

With only one level away from maximum threat level 6, If things do get worse, should we start to consider the ramifications for both Americans and others worldwide?


What are your thoughts on this matter? Should children be allowed to gather in movie theatres and other locations?

Does watching this video (brought to you by the creators/scientists from Mount Sinai School of Medicine) change your opinion of why we may need to declare martial law?

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


要盡心, 盡性, 盡意, 盡力愛主你的神 和愛人如己(Luke 10:27 NIV Bible) Dr. Gordon & Yourself: Solutions Together http://www.gordonyourself.com. GY BLOG via AnD/google is the

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October 22, 2008