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Gordon Chiu
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PIIGS -a new acronym that may heat up

Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain.

It seems problems with swine and its flu have not gone away. The hottest acronym in DC and NY's Wall Street is what happens if the risk spreads in Europe?

First, you have protesting, then rioting, and then historically wars are started over this kind of thing. Hopefully, the last part does not occur:

Tonight, I spent time with the man on the previous blog: David S. Rose on entrepreneurship. He only funds projects if the person has integrity, passion, experience, knowledge, skill, leadership, commitment, vision and realism. He really stressed how there was no correlation on anything that creates a winner or successful person other than passion.

Remember to take the time to evaluate what you've done with your life and do love what you do ... this way no matter what happens, no regrets =D

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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