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Gordon Chiu
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Over 200 years of banking legacy ...


"We are like the mechanism of a watch: each part is essential."

The dramatic success of the five founding Rothschild brothers lay in their closely synchronised business. Having set up banking operations in Frankfurt, London, Paris, Vienna and Naples they bound themselves by contract to clear, defined objectives and set about creating the fastest and safest courier network in Europe by which they exchanged encoded market information on a daily basis. It proved to be a winning formula which soon positioned them as the best informed and most internationally effective banking group in the world.

I never would have read up on their history until I met Charles (he's from the Paris lineage).

In the business world, the possibilities are endless.

羅斯柴爾德 (Rothschild)

LCF洛希爾集團(LCF Rothschild Group)是歐洲老牌家族銀行之一,有200多年曆史,在全球30多個國家設立機構。LCF洛希爾集團註冊於瑞士日內瓦,為一個私人資產管理銀行,截止到2007年12月31日,該集團管理資產數量達到1000億 歐元左右 [1]


over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 290347
Here is the Rothschild banking family in France http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_banking_family_of_France
over 14 years ago


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