Gordon Chiu
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Hong Kong's first outbreak of H1N1 (3 day story -Part 1)

Late last night, reporters arrived into New York/New Jersey and started to interview on the cases and views of where  regarding this becoming a pandemic and possibly penetrating China & Hong Kong.

Here was one of their questions: Is Hong Kong, China safe?

Answer: What is Hong Kong doing differently to prevent this from occurring? At the speed things are being transmitted and Hong Kong being a major hub of international travel, I guarantee 100% that you will find cases within Hong Kong in the next 24-48 hrs. Statement time: 12am EST/12pm HKT on Thursday, 30 April 2009).

News release: linkHong Kong reportedits first caseon Friday, 9am EST/9pm HKT on 1 May 2009.

Interviews will continue through today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday).

I was able to convince BioNeutral's Dr. Kielbania and their location to be opened up for an exclusive interview on how their solution easily gives someone added protection. Ygiene can even be sprayed onto the N95 mask to provide a residual kill that can last for days against the H1N1 virus (live feed release)

One problem remains: they are not commercializing YET. As this urgency level increases, I am hopeful and prayerful that something will happen soon -vaccines are months away and we need something NOW!


15 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
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From 16th April to 3 May I was I flew from Singapore - London - Mallorca - London - Paris - Hong Kong - Singapore. I was flying very frequently and engaging with alot of strangers and public. So when I arrived in Hong Kong I was quite nervous about spending time with my relatives as I am not sure if I have been infected or not. I chose to take it easy but that is not a right attitude or approach as its a rather irresponsible way to conceal the seriousness and the possibility of spreading the virus if I was contaminated as well. I'm now back in Singapore after two days in Hong Kong. I think my cousins were worried about my state of health as well althought they didn't reject my visit. Now back in Singapore, I decided that I should quarantine myself for the next 7 days and monitor my own condition before going out of the house. I read your article with keen interest. Thanks for posting your find and knowledge, they are helpful as a medical resource for better understanding of the virus.
15 年多 ago


要盡心, 盡性, 盡意, 盡力愛主你的神 和愛人如己(Luke 10:27 NIV Bible) Dr. Gordon & Yourself: Solutions Together http://www.gordonyourself.com. GY BLOG via AnD/google is the


english, cantonese
October 22, 2008