The following is a video where business owners (the developer) puts a lot of time, effort and possibly money into the product. Then they realize they cannot get the word out. In the past, it was costly advertising and today, it has become a web/viral marketing. This is not always the best approach -as you may not want to make a scene:
Rewrite Your Story from Tonya Leigh on Vimeo.
Problem: Few options exist.
The first thing that comes to mind is email blasting and bombarding friends/family! That should be fun and I'll just nab them in and have them distributed:
Almost 99% of businesses die off after realizing they're not a real business.
Temporary Solutions:
Next Step Solutions:
I decided to help an MIT doctoral candidate Thomas Rand-Nash on the dream: Apptarium because it addresses these issues and how mismanaged social media networks and mini-networks can crash, burn and affect relationships.
It maybe too complex for websites but for mobile appsites running on new touchscreen TV's, touchpads (i-Pad, CruzPads) we can still make it a better place.
Case Study:
Burberry increases web traffic 30%+ by building a true-App site on i-Pad.
Mercedes Benz rolls out in 2011 their true-App site for their focus group similar to their current website focus group:
要盡心, 盡性, 盡意, 盡力愛主你的神 和愛人如己(Luke 10:27 NIV Bible) Dr. Gordon & Yourself: Solutions Together GY BLOG via AnD/google is the