Official Artist
Gordon Chiu
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Good video content

Recently reviewing clients and there's alot to be said for quality videos. Whether it is medical, biomedical or consumer products, they need to know that consumers only have so much time to spend listening and watching. Presentations do matter, the shooting style and the ability to make consumers want to watch it over and over again.Vince and team (Leon wrote the script, Keith did the shooting) did a great job in English!

And Spanish!


Looking for great script writers, producers in various regions of the world. Most important is good, high quality work.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


要盡心, 盡性, 盡意, 盡力愛主你的神 和愛人如己(Luke 10:27 NIV Bible) Dr. Gordon & Yourself: Solutions Together http://www.gordonyourself.com. GY BLOG via AnD/google is the

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english, cantonese
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Member Since
October 22, 2008