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Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction (金融大殺傷力武器)

*re-updated January 21st

It is exactly 1 year ago on January 20th 2008 that Barack Obama gave a speech at Dr. King's Church. For those who don't understand English (I need to add this line for my translator), take a close look at the crowds response and Obama's dedication and energy in his speech. He is speaking to the people and embracing their problems. He is talking about Jericho and overcoming problems together as a society. He does not talk about himself but instead about every citizen being a family. He reminds the people about God. These kinds of words have not been heard by the American public for a very long time. One year ago, from his inauguration, Obama spoke with true charisma, love and determination to lead by serving the people.

2008年1月20日,一年前的今天,奧巴馬在馬丁路德金的教會(Ebenezer Baptist Church)發表演說。假如你不懂得英語不要緊,你只要細心察看群眾的反應以及奧巴馬發表演說時的全心投入和激情澎湃,你便知道奧巴馬是真心真意的與群眾說話,關切他們的需要。奧巴馬提到聖經中耶利哥城的毀滅,他指出,社會要同心協力去處理問題。他在演說中沒有自吹自擂,他關心的是每位生活在美國這大家庭的國民,還提醒人們要思念上帝。美國人似乎許久沒聽過這些真心說話。在美國總統就職典禮一年前的今天,從奧巴馬的演說當中我們可以看到這位領袖的魅力、愛心以及為國人服務的決心。


Compare this to Hilary Clinton's speech at Decorah First Methodist Church. Again for those who don't understand the English, feel her words. Now look at the way she carries her body and how she talks. She mentions Earth Day and God. She talks about everyday being Earth Day. However, the level of passion and the embrace is not felt in the passion within her speech. It lacks passion and drive with fragmented sentences.

相比希拉里在Decorah First Methodist Church的演說,同樣地,假如你不懂得英語,你可以感受她的說話,留意她的身體語言和她說話時的神態。她在演說中提到地球日和上帝,她希望每一天都是地球日,不過在她的說話中,卻感受不到她對此有多大熱情和關心。她的說話斷斷續續,完全缺乏熱情和動力。


And the speaking styles of John McCain vs. Barack Obama on Katrina/New Orleans & rebuilding. McCain's  voice is softer and with some more tones over Clinton. However, his selection of words does not compare with Obama. Americans identify with Obama and believe in him because his words strike into the hearts of Americans. Obama uses the word "we", "ours", "love", "journey", "humility", "faith", "heal". Such power words require a person who really believes in what he is talking about. This kind of drive is the difference that will be needed to face the horrors of the financial fallout.

現在比較麥凱恩和奧巴馬就颶風卡特里娜及新奧爾良重建的說話方式,麥凱恩的聲線和語調比希拉里溫柔,但他的用字卻遠不及奧巴馬。美國人認同奧巴馬、相信奧巴馬,是因為奧巴馬的說話能夠打動人心。奧巴馬使用的是「我們」、「我們的」、「愛」、「謙卑」、「歷程」、「信心」、「醫治」等字眼,這些強而有力的字需要是說話者的由衷之言。奧巴馬和麥凱恩在用字上的差異,正正是美國面對這場可怕金融海嘯所需要的推動力。prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


Now that America has chosen their leader and knight. The world is hopeful of a turnaround. As described by Paddy, Obama's opponent is not an easy one and it has had a chance to build its strength ... 

現在美國已選出他們的領袖和武士,世界期望奧巴馬的上任可以扭轉劣局。但Marketplace高級編輯Paddy Hirsch指出,奧巴馬的對手並非等閒之輩,它靜待機會捲土重來……


Look at how American born Asians are viewing Obama:


Just now, the Royal Bank of Scotland had billions of British pounds wiped out and Barclays has lost nearly all public goodwill. Europe and Asia are in their  darkest of hours. America's Barack Obama's speakability and charisma provides soothing words with the inauguration within hours. 

His immediate first challenge will be:  United Kingdom 160 (160% miscalculation blunder by Gordon Brown & Co.). One of the closest USA allies in both military and finance is failing fast. Although the US financial markets were closed, upon opening tomorrow, the effects will be felt through the American Depository Receipts of RBS (tracking the markets: London, USA).




about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 290347
this is beyond serious. it is totally out of control and almost hopeless. the grave miscalculation of Gordon Brown's mid 40% of taxpayer income to be a reality of 160% of taxpayer income is a big disaster. Don't know what they'll do. Maybe call up USA for help in the morning and print more $.
about 16 years ago


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