In conclusion, after 2 weeks of debate, change is here. According to Jeremy Hobbs, Executive Director of Oxfam International "The deal is a triumph of spin over substance."
If you look closely it is not a total loss as we went from Kyoto Protocol in 1997 -rejected by the US to a 2009 Copenhagen nonbinding agreement spearheaded by President Obama as a compromise to the arguments in the 11th hour. The next major U.N. climate conference will be in 2010's Mexico City.
It is not a total lost but rather a step in the right direction (although smaller steps). Now, we will see if we made enough reductions to sustain human life or will global climate change be irreversible due to human greed?
Most scientist think we have not been aggressive enough while many economists feel we need to consider the impacts on consumption and trade.
Full Forbes story.
Meanwhile, in the Senate, there agreement on a tanning tax while the tax on cosmetic surgeries (Botox) has been removed thanks to powerful lobbying that "bo-tax" is discriminatory for working women ( article).
What are your thoughts?
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