Official Artist
Gordon Chiu
281,803 views| 292  Posts

Algorithms provide better broadcasting

There's so many ways to be connected to someone. For most people algorithms is not a way of contact and connection. In my line of work and life, it is let's say quite often.

Four hours ago, a singer adds me onto her FB. I am not a singer. But I do work with high tech algorithms. I rarely meet someone who has than many views on their video. I am glad that she's a Christian -praise God!Verify Stamp:Maybe she'll decide to come blog on AnD =D.

Better Algorithms, better delivery:

Her features are delivered with much greater clarity when algorithms are used to help deliver better image and sound quality to her audiences around the world. Directly compare Youtube vs. Vevo and get a "sense" of what this means in the advertising/broadcasting world. Enjoy!




about 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 290347
no one really knows anything. I added her "Verified Official Account" -if you trust FB ... that's the problem when you become someone popular, many people try to use your identity ... how sad/unfortunate.
about 15 years ago


要盡心, 盡性, 盡意, 盡力愛主你的神 和愛人如己(Luke 10:27 NIV Bible) Dr. Gordon & Yourself: Solutions Together http://www.gordonyourself.com. GY BLOG via AnD/google is the

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October 22, 2008