多謝各位熱愛音樂及支持我們"江湖GONG WU"的朋友. 剛剛知道我們為頭五名之列, 可以有機會讓出色的林肯公園樂隊挑選當中有音樂熱誠的各樂隊作開場BAND; 面對眾多搖滾樂迷支持下的盛大音樂會, 一定是一個難能可貴的經驗及時刻; 無論賽果如何, 我們也會專重及支持~ 希望大家繼續支持原創音樂, LIVE BAND!!再次多謝及感激大家!!Thanks to everyone who has come onto Alive Not Dead and cast a vote for us. It was great to see so many people voting like crazy for their favourite bands! We support our rock scene and we love everyone here that supports local original music too! Whoever Linkin Park chooses is definately gonna have the craziest time ever! Good luck to us all I guess!江湖 Gong Wu
We slap the hardest funk crunching metal across the earholes of Asia.. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GONGWU WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GONGWUBAND WWW.GONGWUBAND.COM