i lost in deuishou.. completely lost.. 2 rounds in a row, the 2nd round i lost 10 - o score. im the zero one ofcourse hehehehe..
i felt for my first time dueishou competition :
1. im pushing my oponet, like pushing a rubber ball into a water!! no kidding! so sleepery!
2. my oponet is extreem fast, and really know what to do before i try, seems he knew my step.
3.his peng,lu,chi,an, etc taiji principle is much way good in train... :) it really works on me.. im being push pull over around, like a very weak creature.
4. more more strongger i try to use force, more harder i fall to the ground :( damn it feels bad!###taiwan have the pro taiji dueishou schoolls here.. from very young ages, they are very good!!
my team got 6 gold medal from taiji daolu. nothing from dueishou. the youngest in the team is me 27,my brother 31, my club taji student 29... and other is over then 40 :) the oldest is 76 year old very healthy grandmother, she is also our taiji leader.
ill post the pic soon.
still busy taking a tour packet in taiwan. very nice island, nice people, and taiwan is very expansive shoping things compare to china macau hongkong... :(
hai gogi!you're having nice time in taiwan^^waiting for your pics:DI'Ve just backed from my osaka trip.got some pics too.check them out when you back haha^^
Thanks for your kind words,my friend.
You must learned a lot from the competition.
大约 16 年
all martial art and wushu lover...
nice to meet u!
Gogi is a National Wushu Indonesia 1st champ since 1998, and a World Wushu 1st champ in Beijing 2007, and 3