This morning I woke up, opened up AnD and saw the stats passed 200k (i love looking at stats). Thanks everyone for stoppin' by, reading and supportin' this page. It's been a great time here (looking back at some posts it's really like my coded diary) on AnD, hope my life gets more interesting so I can share wit y'all the good stuff. An artist life is always changing, but hopefully a few things remain constant; friends, family, lover and of course blogging on AnD!!!! haha So, with all the other social sites dumbing down to "one-liners", I hope bloggin' can continue and evolve into something better. On the music front, we're gaining momentum with the 24Herbs next album. Also, working on some Ghost Style stuff...Cantonese too! Hope to bring that to y'all soon.Thanks to AnD and thanks goes out to y'all for reading and supporting GS! peace!!