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Phone Video of Finale Song Round I

Last weekend's concert...crazy as hell! I thoroughly enjoyed it. People where super cool, music was tight, vibe amazing and the audience was up for it. Hands down, one of the best shows I've played at. All the bands--Respect Tou PK!!! Paul Wong--Respect Tou PK!!! Ya Sei Mei...PK!!!


Some of the media just portraited our set (24Herbs) as using swear words. But, how could they miss the crowd reaction? Dude...it was a positive event and amazing show--well, hell with the papers, you guys get the truth from the blogs written here.

My friend sent me this clip she took of the song finale. The picture quality is low but the sound is pretty good. Enjoy!

Video: Let's Fight Finale Song Round 1

over 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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