Follow me @wingofthe_dragon
De-active. 943 photos. 205wks = 4.3 years. This Insta collection is filled with feelings and memories. It's corny but, I'm grateful for every moment of it. Pain, joy, the love...all of it! I met so many amazing souls that truly inspire me to live a full life everyday...that's U! My family, friends, my heroes, the following and followers alike who shared on and offline my experience. "Geestyles" era comes to a close, "Brandon" one begins (sorry talking in the third person haha). So, this account stays as a record but in-active. Please follow my new one @wingofthedragon It's gonna be my point&shoot and I capturing the moments. See u @wingofthedragon Bless y'all for your support and in everything! Brandon aka GeeStyles