Official Artist
Gareth Brown
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"Bodies in Motion, Bodies at Rest" at Edge Gallery

After the successful run of "Bodies in Motion" at ArtisTree we have transferred the exhibition to Edge Gallery in Causeway Bay, so if you missed the show before you still have time to come and catch the works on the wall. The exhibition features selected highlights form the ArtisTree show plus a couple of new pieces of Napoli Lok shot at Sha Lo Tung. we've recently added these shots to the AnD site. the Exhibition runs until January 30thopening times are tuesday to friday 10.30am - 7.30pmsaturday 2pm - 8pmclosed sunday and mondayEDGE Gallery G/F 60C Leighton Road,Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 2887 0313

Fax: +852 2887 0451

www.edge-gallery.com[![](/attachments/2009/12/30/17/71483_200912301758231.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=6440048)[![](/attachments/2009/12/30/18/71483_200912301807231.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=6440049)i hope you can get over to see it. on other matters, the christmas and new year lull has finally given me chance to go through some of the production shots we amassed for "Bodies in Motion", so i'll doing a new blog entry very soon with some behind the scenes shots from various rounds of the exhibition. Finally it's about time a gave out a few thanks, i want to thank all the dancers who've given up their time and immeasurable skills to contribute to this project. Also my staff at Blow Up and all our contributor crew. I'd also like to thank the people at Swire for giving us their wonderful space at ArtisTree to stage the exhibition. Swire showed us enormous support when few others would, so i'm very appreciative of them, and of course Edge for allowing us to continue the exhibition.Incidentally the "Bodies in Motion" project will be continuing, so if there are any dancers out there on AnD who want to pursue an artistic collaboration please get in touch.Happy New Year Gareth****

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