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trip at your own peril.

so its april fool's .lies lies lies!!! everyone's either quit or wants a tranny fanny . strangely enough . my contract actually ends today (truth)... i don't quite know what to make out of it . i'm still trying to decide if the joke's on them or me .my amputated arm refuses to sign on the dotted line...if only i could just connect the dots . things might seem so much clearer . perhaps a trip to somewhere far away would be good to untangle the intricate knot i've tied , which is fast looking more like a tight noose than me dancing footloose with booze vamoose.

 and more than anything .... a trip i would really fancy ,

is someone falling ,falling... deeply .... into me .



featured falcon of restless thoughts .

 wings spread out , my mind contorts.

feathered boas a distracting lot.

stains my mind, the blackest blot

.take flight , take flight ,from the nestled rot .

let it brew thicker , the pointless plot.

soar through the skies , take claim the cries . cover your eyes and feel the highs ...

never again .should i breathe in lies


接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  20 评论s  0 shares
Photo 45002
was trying to sleep, couldn't so I went to write a little and back here! Again, I have to say that I'm definitly jealous of your writing skills! so still not knowing if you'll sign? don't know what it is, but again my only advice is to follow your heart/guts. As for an holiday, if you don't need to sign it now, well take the holiday first, if they need an answer asap, just sign it and take the holidays as a reward! It's a win-win situation then! :-)
接近 17 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Good luck. Choosing isn't easy. But it is great that you have a choice. Maybe the choices aren't that clear yet (what they mean) and that is why you want to get away for awhile?
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
have a nice trip? see you next fall... :-P
接近 17 年 ago



March 13, 2008