This morning I woke up a bit "off". Perhaps it was the fact that I went out with some friends till 2 AM on a Monday night (a stupid move, i know, but one which makes the accountants at the Sapporo company very happy). Anyway, something inside me just seemed a bit "off". I wasn't blue nor depressed yet I wasn't feeling fresh nor optimistic. I was in some sort of phantom zone of blahh. I felt like stale bread needing a bit of olive oil dipping sauce. But what was that sauce? I attempted to eat a semi-rotten plum thinking that the sugars might lighten my day. No dice. I decided to walk the stairs in my building instead of taking the elevator in hopes that the increase in heart rate may trigger a mild endorphin rush a take me to that happy place. Didn't work. I even dabbed Tiger Balm on my temples and under my nostriles thinking that a little bit of aromatherapy might do me some good. Did it work? NEIN! All I got was a fiery Tiger burn in my left eye due to a rather stupid finger slip from my temple while attempting to apply this mysterious topical ointment and a flashback of my grandparents and their love for covering 1/3 of their bodies with Salonpas patches. When all options to right my emotional status seemed bleak, I found what I was looking for on the internet... Rick Astley. I don't think it was the actual, physical sight of the great 80's rock icon that put a smile on my face. I think it was more the nostalgia factor, a flashback to a time when my hair was high and my outfits were of the pastel variety. A time when proms were in darkened school cafeterias and boys and girls were not yet man or woman. A time when a first kiss with your sweetheart was such a foreign feeling (and perhaps foreign smelling due to the food still stuck in their braces). I could go on forever but I think we all have our emotional triggers into our past. So, if you've had a long day and/or feeling a bit blue, I present to you the great Rick Astley singing "Never Gonna Give You Up". Hopefully it'll give you a jubilant injection of glee and perhaps lift your spirits even if just a bit...
"the older I get, the less I know..."