it's funny, i read my sister marsha's blog and she lost this whole thing she'd written and that happened to ME last week when i attempted to blog for the second time in my life and i was so pissed off by my lost efforts that it took me another week to gather up the courage and strength and will to write again...i can't be nearly as humorous as i was that me, it was a good one...oh well...
i think i want to write about the dude at the coffee place the other day. walked up it was my turn, and the guy had this hugeass booger in his nose, just waiting to shoot out at me, or worse yet, fall into my coffee as he poured today's brew all i kept thinking was "i hope when he looks up that booger is still there..." nasty. was that mean? i just...had to comment...i know, boogers are normal natural things, and it happens to everyone at some point...i guess. hehe. how's THAT for a blog entry??!!