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Meeting two out of 6 members of Linkin Park

Just got back from Macau an hour ago and am in the office uploading Teddy Chen's 8.8 fundraiser video to youku.com  (its 5am!) 我剛剛從澳門回來﹐我們去看林肯公園的演唱會。這個博客是我在幕後拍的照片。(下個博客是我在表演中拍的照片!)Despite having slept only a few hours the night before,  I couldn't wait to start uploading my pics from Linkin Park's show at the Venetian!  Here's the first part of the pics, which were entirely before the start of the show. ;-)Pat and I went over to handle the opening band stuff (from the Linkin Park Band Search Contest we hosted here on alivenotdead.com).  They were still setting up the lights and stage when we got there.  Its impressive, they had a concert by Lady Gaga the night before and LP was all in Shanghai, so all this had to be set-up the same day.We met up with the guys from Scamper,  the winner of the band search competition:forget playing on stage in front of like 9,000 people, the biggest prize was he free alivenotdead.com gear! As it always seems to be, the sound checks always take longer than they should...  after they finished we took one group pic with the entire band.You'll notice those cool badges hanging around our necks...OK, this is cooler than even an alivenotdead.com hat! :-PWith a little help from the Venetian's team,  Patrick and I also got to sneak downstairs and attend one of the pre-concert PR events for LP.  They lead us to a room with two groups,  some Venetian VIP guests and about 8 super Linkin Park fanclub (LPU) who won tickets and passes to this special fan meet-and-great.   (its cool that LP's fan club does stuff like this for their super-fans, even in Asia).Except for one guy, they were all girls from Mainland China.  They were all nervous cause they didn't speak much English and had no idea exactly who or what they were going to get to see at this event.  they all had stuff ready to get signed though!We were told that because of the busy schedule, only two members of the band were going to stop by for autographs and pictures.  When they found out it wasn't chester a few of the girls were a bit disappointed. :-P  Before the band guys came out,   Mauricethe uber roadie came out and gave an autoritarian pep talk to the fans - flashes no,  autographs yes,  good questions yes,  weird questions no.The Venetian was able to get a translator to come down to make sure the girls all understood everything.  First up: Brad Delson,  the main guitarists for LP:Some of the super-fans had pre-written their questions on pieces of paper in English cause they were too shy / English impared to ask them themselves... but of course they were also unable to actually understand the answers!  I helped translate for a few of them. :-PNext up was Rob Bourdon, the drummer:I'm not too cool to participate myself.  ;-)I ran back up to the arena, but by the time I got to the Arena Scamper was finishing up and the fans were waiting for the main show.I took a few pics from up close too.  You'll have to wait til tomorrow to check them out! ;-)

about 15 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i should note that Maurice was really cool, he personally escorted all the super-fans up to the standing section so they wouldn't miss any of the show in the labyrinth that is the Cotai Arena.
about 15 years ago
Did he elaborate on what constitutes a "weird" question?
about 15 years ago
I promise I won't disrespect anymore security guards next time!
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Desmond - no, that would have been a good question. I think he just said 'nothing too personal or inappropriate'
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
rob - yes, you! I have to Email them and tell them it definitely wasn't you, otherwise you may be banned from the Venetian for life...
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
4eVer - I actually met Joe Hahn after the show too, so technically I am 3/6. ;-)
about 15 years ago


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