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Ani-Com Day 1 Part 2

Continuing from the yesterday's blog entry Ani-com Day 1 - part 1 here are 'the rest' -  the music pics from Friday night... AND yes, another Etchy Original Video! :-D


As I mentioned yesterday, they had a stage set up at one end of the venue.  Earlier in the evening they had some pop singers and a battle of the bands.  I'm not sure who any of them were, but I got pics of one of them:

She was cute, I think based on the light up signs brought by her fans, her name was Elaine or Ellen or Eileen or something. (Anyone know?) 知らないの音楽人。

The main show didn't start til like almost 10, we were backstage most of the time, but we came out during the artist before Ryan Hui... who was:

Grace Yip( 葉佩雯).  I was not familiar w/ her before --  but i was impressed, she was pretty good live.  From what I read she used to be a typical cantopop karaoke type singer, but after some contract disputes w/ EEG, she has made a comeback as more of an Avril Levin type rocker-girl. (see the video below for a clip) グラス・イプさんを上演した。

Ryan performed a pretty good set,  he did a Green Day cover too,  'When I come Around'.


Josie (backed up by Audiotraffic's Adrian and Don as well as Kevin Li on the drums) did a good set too.  I found out later though that they had to cut their set short (probably Ryan too) be cause the concert was going so late.  It was almost midnight by the time the last band (Taiji) went up. ジョセイとアウデオトラフィクも良かったセットした。

Here's my slickly edited video of the performers. Take a look! 僕のビデオを見て!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOwpP3tNMxw What do you think? 

Also off to the side we took a few group pics too:

This is before the show: Me, Ryan, Bob, Pat Lee, PatKevin(and Pat's nephew Sam). ショウ前グループ写真も撮った。

Astute viewers will notice, this is different than the version on the admin_bear blog,  the guy taking the picture's finger got in there and messed me up. :-P

At the end Josie and Terence were nice enough to take a picture with the AnD volunteers who came down to help pass out fliers.  It was great, we got through 2000 in one evening! ジョセイとT君はボレンチーも写真撮った。たくさんお手伝いした!

Thanks Again to everyone!  ありがとう!

Stephen's Pics from Day 2 are here!

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
which one?
大约 17 年 ago
38935462 1233427286799200 7641701711072985088 n
I went there day 1 & day2, coming day 3 will go again~~~ >o< I missed the show at night... This year very great!!!and many peole too....
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah it was definitely more crowded than i expected. they need a bigger place! either two floors or use the asia world expo. :-P
大约 17 年 ago
38935462 1233427286799200 7641701711072985088 n
I just updated Ani-Com some my cos photo~~~ feel free to check it out!!^-^
大约 17 年 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007