You may have noticed our two photo albums full of photos from two days of launch events at the new Esprit Flagship store in TST: The first album is from the Press Event held on the 15th of October
The second album is from the Public Event held on the 17th of OctoberThe also put together a short video compilation of the musical performances from the night of the 15th. Check it out:Great night! Thanks again to all who came out to support! We'll be sharing more from the Esprit Friends campaign very soon! |
大家大概已留意到我們最新上載了兩本尖沙咀Esprit 旗艦店開幕當天的相簿: 第一本相簿載滿了10月15日那天記者招待會的盛況
第二本相簿載滿了10月17日當天開幕活動的盛況 還把15日當晚的演出者的片段剪輯成短片。看看吧:很高興的一晚!謝謝各界的合作與及支持我們的各位。我們很快便會跟大家分享更多當日的盛況!