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The Billboards are Out!|廣告牌誕生!

Things are very busy over at the offices of the Esprit team, with the Launch Party coming up on the 17th, they are taking care of all last minute items before the big party. So its taken us a few days to get this blog ready - The billboards are out!As you hopefully know by now,  Esprit's 'New Face' competition looked for groups of friends from Hong Kong who they felt best represent the idea behind the Esprit Friends campaign.  In addition to winning HK$10,000 in cash, each group was given the opportunity to appear in Esprit's ad campaign this season.  Eight photoshoots were conducted in September and so far six of the ads are out! The key placements for the ads are the gigantic billboards at the central tunnel entrance going from Kowloon to Hong Kong Island and the Hong Kong MTR subway system.First the Billboards:You may or may not recognize the groups from their audition pictures:Fighting FriendsThere Are No Such Things As Married 30 Years and Still FriendsSisters With A SongYou can see them a bit better in these photos from the Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station:Amazing Friends Vince and Sam!Amazing Friendship![](/attachments/2009/10/13/14/479298_200910131442321.jpg)Macau DreamA Macau Stage DreamWhat do you think?  A long way from the 200+ groups sitting down in front of our cameras in August!  We'll post up more pictures and info and 'behind the scenes' photos in the coming weeks. In the meanwhile don't forget about the Launch Party for Esprit's new Flagship store on Oct 17th in TST! | 最近辦公室中的Esprit隊伍為了17號的開幕活動非常忙碌,所以花了點時間才完成這個網誌--廣告牌誕生!相信大家已經知道,Esprit摯友FACE型人代表比賽是為了搜尋香港的摰友代表,他們的友誼故事代表了Esprit Friends Campaign 背後的概念。在贏得港幣$10,000之外,每一隊亦獲得出現在今季的Esprit宣傳活動中的機會。 八個Photoshoot已經在九月完成,現在其中六個廣告終於誕生!比較重要的放置地方為中環隧道入口,以及地鐵內的巨型廣告牌。第一個廣告牌:你可能從audition相片中認出他們:吵架之最成功不是意外天賜良緣鬥氣姊妹花你可以在尖沙咀地鐵站的相片看得更加清晰: Amazing Friends Vince and Sam!鼓勵的對話!舞台夢舞台夢覺得怎樣?跟八月時,200多隊參加audition,差別很大吧! 我們很快便會post上更多照片,資料,以及"鏡頭背後"的相片。 此刻請不要忘記週末(17號)在尖沙咀的開幕活動!

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Admin bear cimg7673
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
this is my favorite one actually!
15 年多 ago



english, cantonese
Hong Kong
July 22, 2009