Three year old Bianca D’angelo and 70 year old Mrs Chung were just two of the aspiring models queuing up outside Esprit stores across Hong Kong over the weekend, all hoping to become the next face of the global casual lifestyle brand.
Esprit has launched a campaign to find the most interesting groups of friends in Hong Kong to front its latest winter advertising campaign. They are on the look out for ‘real people’ in a move away from using traditional models to front the brand.
Participants included housewives, mothers and daughters, sister and brothers, work colleagues, school friends and even tourists.70 year old Mrs Chung turned up to audition with her daughter Kitty in Kwun Tong and explained that the two of them are making up for lost time apart, now that Kitty has returned from her studies in Japan.
One group of Taiwanese work colleagues visiting Hong Kong asked not to be identified or have their faces shown on film as they had undertaken the trip without the knowledge of their boss who had been told that they were on sick leave.
Videos from the weekend’s auditions will be uploaded to, where members of the pubic can vote for their favourite group of friends to become the new faces of Esprit.
Those who didn’t get a chance to audition will have the opportunity to do so next weekend where further auditions will take place at Esprit stores in Causeway Bay Lee Theatre Plaza, Mong Kok Wai Fung Plaza and Kwun Tong APM stores between 11am-6pm. Participants are asked to register online but can also turn up on the day to register in-store.
A total of eight groups of friends will be selected to play a starring role and become overnight stewards of the brand. Each group selected will be rewarded with a $10,000HKD cash bonding bonus.
The eight selected groups will be featured in print and web-based promotions for the Esprit Friends ’09 Fall Winter Advertising Campaign and attend various events to represent “the New Face of Esprit” in Hong Kong.
“Esprit can trace its beginnings to 1968 when two friends got together with an idea for a new clothing brand. The company has built its success on the foundation of that long-lasting friendship ever since and this remains interweaved through everything we do as an organization today,” said Wolfram Hail, President of Asia Pacific for Esprit. “We felt that now was a perfect time to extend the Esprit hand of friendship to the people of Hong Kong and show them how much they matter to us.”For more |
Esprit 門市出現長長人龍,當中包括了活潑可愛的三歲小女孩Bianca D’angelo和年介70的鍾太,各自懷著最真摯動人的故事,競逐國際知名休閒服飾品牌Esprit ‘09秋冬系列的廣告主角。
國際知名休閒服飾品牌Esprit舉辦「ESPRIT摯友FACE大賽」,發掘友情最真摯動人的摯友組合,作為Esprit新一季廣告宣傳計劃的主角。Esprit ’09秋冬系列的廣告宣傳將以獲選組合及他們的真實故事編寫,有別於聘用模特兒來推廣品牌的傳統方式。
70歲的鍾太與女兒Kitty步進Esprit官塘 apm 商場的門市,娓娓道出女兒留學日本期間二人分隔異地的感人故事;來自台灣的旅客與工作伙伴同遊香港,亦於Esprit的試鏡室留下足印,為此旅程寫下難忘一頁。
「ESPRIT摯友FACE大賽」第一輪試鏡剛於本週末舉行,各摯友組合的參賽故事亦已上載Esprit Friends 網站 (,歡迎公眾人士為心水組合投下一票,選出香港的「Esprit新面孔」。
第二輪試鏡亦即將於8月22日至23日上午11時至下午6時,假 Esprit 銅鑼灣利舞臺廣場、旺角惠豐中心及官塘 apm 商場的 Esprit 門市試鏡舉行,有意參賽的組合可在 Esprit Friends 網站 ( 預先登記,或即場報名參加,分享真摰友情故事。
八個獲選組合將參與 Esprit Friends ’09秋冬硬照廣告拍攝,在報刊及網上廣告中亮相,且更有機會出席各類型宣傳活動,而勝出的每個組合均可獲得港幣10,000元現金獎賞。
Esprit亞太區總裁Wolfram Hail指出:「Esprit的由來,源自兩位摯友於1968年構思創立嶄新時裝品牌。Esprit建基於雋永恆久的友誼上,數十年來不斷茁壯成長,屢創佳績。直至今時今日,Esprit所做的一切依然講求友情至上。我們深信現在正是理想時機,可將Esprit頌揚友愛的精神帶到香港,令港人感受到他們對於Esprit是何等重要。」For more