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Lovely letter from Netherlands

Let's not forget that the Esprit campaign is all about friends and their friendship stories!  This is a lovely letter sent from the Netherlands to us during the casting week. We are so touched, thank you!

Dear Sir/Madam, 

 After I saw the advertisement on alivenotdead.com for the new Esprit campaign I got very excited! Especially because it is about friendship. Unfortunately I could not make it to the auditions, because I live in the Netherlands. I will stay in Hong Kong for a longer period of time  from the 1st of September. After a lot of thought,  I decided  that I wanted to share my special friendship. I may not make it to the auditions, but I could always give it a try to convince you with this email. So, this is my story:

I didn't used to have much faith in friendship. I don’t know if it’s because of me or if its the other person,  but  a lot of my past friendships had failed. Maybe it’s because when I find friendship, I want it to be 100% true. For me it has to be like trust each other without limits, believe each other without proof, know each others mind without talking. That’s why I think it’s hard to find a true friend…
The moment I thought maybe there is no such thingas 100% trust, 100% believe or 100% true friendship, the moment I stopped searching, looking or believing, that moment I literally bumped into my now best friend, Valerie. 

Valerie and I were on the same high school together and we hung out  with the same group of 6 or 7 girls. We were all not very close, maybe just with 1 or 2, we just hung out with each other. 

Valerie and I were both hanging out a lot with the same friend, both knowing this friendship  isn’t based on trust or trueness. Maybe we were acting like wedon’t know or see that it’s not true, just because to be scared to be alone.
Through this friend, we often saw each other and had good conversations that time, there was definitely a click, but I don’t know why that had not broughtus much closer. Maybe because we were looking but not seeing? Maybe because it wasn't the right time? 
So the moment I bumped into her, was a year after high school. We were both in the city, she was with her mom and I was with a friend. Both in a rush, both being polite. We just said hi and how are you, stuff like that. Both acting awkward not knowing how to start or what to say. We said goodbye and both walked our own way. 

After a few minutes I felt strange, I think we both always had know that there was more than just a good conversation. But sometimes when people get hurt, it’s hard to trust again, we were both more reserved. 
I did turn around, but I couldn’t see her anymore. So I gave up. But destiny brought us together later that day! I was getting on the bus to go home after chatting with my friend. Surprises come when you don’t expect anything! I saw her sitting next to me in the bus and soon we had a good conversation again! We decided to pick a date to have a cup of coffee together! 

This was seven years ago.

 Although we were both reserved at the beginning of our friendship, it didn’t took much time to fully trust each other. We’ve both been through a lot before and after we became true friends, but because we both share past an present with each other, makes our friendship even more close day by day. It’s not only about sharing, but also about growing up together. We’ve been to different stages together, from teenager to young adult, from single to boyfriends, from boyfriends to heartbroken, from knowing what you want tototally lost. These different stages in our life make us even bond more. To be there for your friend in happy and unhappy times, I hope and know we will continue like this. To be there in every stage in our lives. 
Over a couple o fweeks we will enter a new stage again. I will move to Hong Kong for a longer period and Valerie will be going back to school and work part time. Although we will be a thousands miles away from each other, that will not stop us from being there for our friendship, because we are very close, and that is in each others hearts. After seven  years it’s hard to put our friendship on one piece of paper but the magical words is definitely; to believe, to trust, to know, to share, to be and to give it all!
I hope our friendship story had convinced you! 


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Hup Holland!
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