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esprit hk
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Casting Videos from Week 1 are now Online! Please Vote!

The tech team working on the Esprit castings campaign have just gotten the videos from week one uploaded and opened them up to voting.  Please log in to  http://espritfriends.com/video.aspx to check them out!  Here's some more interesting stories from week 1 we wanted to share:Mongkok Day 1: "Keep Your Dream Alive"  Making their dream of music come true together,  one of these two friends demonsrates her singing voice.  她們有著同一夢想,希望踏上演藝之路,聽聽她的歌聲。 Kwuntong Day 1: "Cheers to My Teacher" A family's support for their daughters' teacher  老師的關懷及愛為小朋友帶來快樂...Causeway Bay Day 2:  "Married 30 Years and Still Friends"Fated to meet, marry and raise 3 wonderful daughters together. After so many years, they are still great friends.  :丈夫感激能遇上這麼好的太太.Don't forget, there are two more days to go! Saturday and Sunday Aug 22-23.  For details on how to participate, please go towww.espritfriends.com.

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July 22, 2009