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Announcing the Esprit T-shirt Design Contest! |庚寅虎年T-恤圖案設計大賽!

Espritinvites you to submit designs inspired by The Year Of The Tiger or the friendship of the 12 zodiac animals.This is your chance to have your design carried  across all Esprit stores in Hong Kong & Macau and  win an Esprit Gift Card worth $5000.Whether you are a professional designer, design student or just a creative individual who loves to doodle and paint, Esprit would like to invite you to share your artistic and creative designs inspired by the Year of the Tiger or the Friendship tale between the 12 Chinese zodiac animals.You could be one of the lucky 8 winners : 

  • To see your creation PRINTED onto a Tee Shirt that will be sold across all Esprit stores in Hong Kong this coming Chinese New Year 2010. 

  • To win Esprit Gift card worth HK$5,000.Eligibility: The competition is open to everyone in the Asia Pacific region.Entry deadline:  13th December, 2009Result announcement:  18th December, 2009

For more information visit:  www.espritfriends.com | 設計主題可以是十二生肖之老虎或圍繞12生肖動物一起的故事。得獎者 有機會贏得價值港幣5,000元 的Esprit禮券及作品亦會印製在Esprit T-恤上在香港及澳門Esprit店舖內公開出售!截止日期: 2009年12月13日

公佈日期: 2009年12月18日

請瀏覽下列網址: www.espritfriends.com

15 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
sweet! i'm going to try my hand!
15 年多 ago



english, cantonese
Hong Kong
July 22, 2009