Walk On~
Eric So - Multi – media artist, Creative Director of Papamamason
After graduating from design school, Eric joined an advertising agency and was made Creative Director.
In 1996, his first exhibition named “Sex, Sex, Sex and More Sex” was held at Hong Kong Art Centre
“East meets West” art exhibition was launched in 1997
Eric started creating figure as a medium to present his messages in 1998
Established the brand “So Fun” in 1999 and aimed at collaboration with his friends around the world, last but not the least, Devilock, SSUR, Revolver, LMF
“The Art of Bruce Lee” world tour in 1999 to 2000 which exhibited in USA, Japan and Hong Kong brought him a succeed throughout the world. “Designer Toys” began when Eric was invited by Medicom Toys to have collaboration with his Bruce Lee 12 inches figurine series.
In 2001, Eric was signed by Sony Music as a artist. He created variety of characters for global brands, such as Coca – Cola, Toyota, Meiji’s Chelsea candies, Japan singing group, Chemistry. And the brand “Estate” was also started to represent the cultures of Hong Kong traditional residential areas.
In 2004, premiered “So Fun” show at DC shoes which is a US famous skateboard brand and collaborated with Nike to create a life-sized NBA legend, Michael Jordan action figure for his Asia Tour
“Sology” was held in 2005 which divided into 4 parts with 4 different themes within 1 month. “Stand by Me” art and figure exhibition; “The Art of Bruce Lee 2005” and “Celebrities”
After one year, “Ren Ge Pin Wei” exhibition was held to present his first “So Fun” eyewear collection. And he created a figurine of Jay Chou and Chou Xun for a Motorola campaign in the same year
In 2008, more brand collaborations will take place and more licensing deals will fill up the agenda. For the first half of 2008, there will be a pair of collaboration shoes with Adidas, for a NBA superstar Gilbert Arenas, “Sign Language” had joined the promotion with “EPS I DO”.
Eric created a Chinese style Nike Air Force One for the exhibition of “Air Force One Love” for Nike China and Clot in Shanghai, and also invited by a global charitable organization CowParade to design an art piece for their world tour in 2009.
After years of planning, in 2010, Eric and fashion icon lyricist Wyman Wong makes their debut collaboration in the fashion art scene. Their collective efforts are presented by “YSOFUN”. New character “Horny Girl” with Japanese Photographer Yonehara Yasumasa had launched afterwards.
In 2011, as a Creative Director of Papamamason, Eric expanded his concepts and designs in different mediums, clothing brands, “Referee” amd “Skulluminous” were established
Creates 11 oil paintings for a Hong Kong pop singer Edison Chen’s Album Book and hold “Confusion” Art Exhibition at Papamamason Gallery in 2012
In Feb, 2013, Eric had brought 4 sculptures called “Aibudao” which is a collaboration with a China renowned artist Ai Wei Wei to attend “Art Stage 2013” at Singapore. In the meantime, “Confusion” Art Exhibition was held in Mad Museum Singapore. As a Hong Kong Ambassador of Heineken 140th Anniversary, Eric encouraged the young generation for the passion to art and creativity through his oil painting for this campaign
2014 has been a fulfilling year for Eric. In addition to creating figures for Hollywood film “Sin City 2” and movie “Rise Of The Legend”, Eric has also been invited by world brand Disney as the only artist representing Hong Kong to create figurines of Mickey & Minnie for its 90th anniversary celebration. Beside figurines creation and design, Eric has also arranged a Pop-up store for his fashion line – Skulluminous, with a Punk theme. Even more, Eric has first entered the theatre horizon and has taken up the role of chief stage designer for the drama “Happiness” featuring maestro Jim and actress Isabella Leung. The highlight of the year, highly acclaimed by local celebrities, must go to Eric’s creation of his first chocolate brand – Élément de Chocolat, exhibiting a new concept of blending flavor with stylish design in a fun way.
In year 2015, Eric relaunched his classic Estate series, renamed as the "Zombie Estate", at an exhibition held in Korea, where YG Entertainment also presented at the scene the invitation to Eric for a collaboration project with the world-renowned singing group "Big Bang". Besides, Eric has elevated his work by crossing figurine-creations with the famous online game "Barcode Footballer", introducing the charismatic figurines series called "Eric the Devilish Team ". Eric was also invited by France to create a series of Michael Jordan concept figurines for the celebration of Michael Jordan's 30th anniversary.
Eric So - 全面的多媒體創作人、Papamamason 的設計總監。
從設計學校畢業以後,Eric 加入了廣告行達十年。期後成為以自由形式工作的創作人。
於1996年,Eric 辦了他的首個繪畫展覽 “Sex, Sex, Sex and More Sex”。
1997年, Eric 緊接地辦了 ”East Meets West” 的繪畫展覽。
自1999年,Eric 開始以“蘇勳”的名義與香港及國外的好友合作。如 ”Devilock”, “SSUR”, “Revolver”, “LMF”等。
在1999年至2000年期間,他的作品 “李小龍之藝術” 於紐約、日本及香港展出。展覽為Eric帶來了成功,作品大受好評,更吸引了日本玩具品牌 Medicom Toys 邀請,為這批展品生產推出巿場,而Designer Toys這名詞由這時開始確立。
在 2001 - 2003 年之間, Eric 為 Coca-Cola 公司創作了多款不同性格的人型公仔,亦與影星李燦琛成立品牌 “Estate” 來表達香港屋村文化。簽約成為日本 Sony Music 其下之設計師,為日本豐田汽車,製作了一些取材自街頭文化的公仔,作為拍攝電視廣告之用。及後與日本 “Sony” 其下著名流行音樂組合 “Chemistry” 合作,為他們創作人形公仔。而 Meiji’s Chelsea 糖果也用上了這對公仔作其電視廣告之主角。
2004 年,與美國滑板品牌 DC Shoes 推出運動鞋。亦有為 Nike 創作了一個 1:1 的“米高佐敦”- 美國NBA超級巨星的人形公仔,作為他“亞洲之旅”香港站展覽會開幕的宣傳展品。
2005 年,Eric 舉行 “Sology” 的一系列展覽,分為四個展覽,包括油畫、公仔、設計、彫刻,於一個月內同時間在四個不同的地方展出。
2006 年,Eric 首個以其設計眼鏡為題材的“人格品味”展覽在時代廣場舉行。 獲Motorola邀請為台灣歌星周杰倫和中國影星周迅設計人形公仔。
2008 年,跟Adidas聯名,為美國NBA球星 Gilbert Arenas 設計球鞋。Eric 的“Sign Language”參與了“EPS I DO”的宣傳活動。
2009 年,為 Clot 設計一雙富中國色彩的Nike Air Force 1,在上海的ACU展覧。其後,獲世界性的慈善團體 CowParade 的邀請,為 “奔牛節” 設計了一頭牛,以作展覽。
2010 年,Eric 為日籍攝影大師米原康正設計名為 “Horny Girl” 的人形公仔,和以“歪蘇勳”名義與香港著名填詞人黃偉文合作。
2011年為 Papamamason 創作 “Referee” 及 “Skulluminous”的服装飾物系列。
2012年為陳冠希創作了多幅油畫,製作成他的音樂畫册。另外這批油畫更在Papamamason Gallery舉行了以“Eric So Confusion Art Exhibition”的展覽。
2013年於新加玻舉行的國際藝術展覽“Art Stage”中,展出與中國藝術家艾末未創作的“Aibudao”;同時間在當地藝術畫廊舉辦了“Eric So Confusion Art Exhibition”的展覽。在 Heineken 的140週年慶祝計劃中,成為香港代表創作油畫推廣,鼓勵全球年靑人設計及創作。
2014年,是 Eric 忙碌的一年,為荷里活電影
2015年,將經典的 Estate 系列以 Zombie Estate 之名重生,帶到韓國展出;同時間,YG Entertainment 在會場公佈由 Eric 為國際知名的韓國天團 Big Bang 所合作推出公仔。另外 Eric 嘗試把他的創作,帶到手機遊戲 Barcode Footballer 及公仔串連在一起,創作出風格化的球隊 “Eric the Devilish Team” 公仔。 為慶祝Michael Jordan 30th,得到法國邀請,製作一組 Michael Jordan 概念公仔,作為慶祝展品。
Languages Spoken | English,Cantonese |
Location | Hong Kong |
Gender | Male |
English Name | Eric So |
Member Since | October 21, 2008 |
Simplified Chinese Name | 苏勋 |
Traditional Chinese Name | 蘇勳 |
Fans | 95 |
Profile Views | 142,310 |
Walk On~