Official Artist
Elissa Rosati
Actor , Director , Producer
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venice beach california... where art meets crime

Here i am!  What weather!  Cold breeze, hot sun.  Walks to the beach require clothing production meets...   Venice Beach is a hoot.  Catching up with old film school buddies a gas (damn, everyone is all growed up).  Besides chillin with old friends culture excursions abound.   There was the Dali in Film exhibit.  Great quote:  Salvador Dali writing a postcard from Hollywood saying he has met with three great American Surrealists:  Harpo Marx, Cecil B DeMille and Walt Disney.  There was the Danny Kaye musical (with the yiddish Mikado... yikes!  Almost fell off my seat laughing...).  There was Rock and Roll sushi  (culture, well, kinda, like American culture...).  Oh, man, and we went to this silent movie theatre and saw a film from the twenties by Harold Lloyd called "Safety Last".  There was this old guy playing the piano to 'score' it just like in the old times.  Now, i was not convinced this would be a cool evening out.  But let me tell you- it was amazing!  Really cool.  The audience was this weird mix of old and young, hip and nerd, all backgrounds really, and they were loving it!  Then the popcorn machine caught on fire!  Great stuff.

All that and I am proud to say I got a producer for "BoBi".  Daniel Sollinger has agreed to line produce.  What a coup!  Now we just have to get money.  Small detail really. With much of the key crew in place once back in Hong Kong i Have to get the local crew together.  Hopefully Alive not Dead will help in that department!.    Okay, gotta fly.  Off to do some Yoga in the park and catch an old friend from when i lived in Oman for coffee. Catch you Alivies on the flip side.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 35813
Cool! Will do!
over 16 years ago


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