I think i get it now.... you just have to be invited... to like, everything.
Most of the contacts are made here... in the cocktails, at the events, at the screenings...
Just a few snap shots of the China Night Party (thanks to the people at the Hong Kong Pavilion!!!) and the screen displaying Permanent Residence... a film by Scud being promoted by HKg at the festival.
For the other events... well... i couldn't carry my camera to the black tie things folks- now that would have been inappropriate!!!! But i did steal a few shots of my friend Laurent at the avant-premiere of his film 'Le Petit Nicolas' (he also directed 'Moliere'). I was very lucky that this old film school friend showed me the town in style- complete with red carpet walk to prized screening of Agora while we got (well, HE got) recognized and announced and the big after party - what did i wear?.... sorry- no photos so you will have to guess
more later!