Elissa Rosati
演员, 导演, 製片人
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CANNES FILM FEST>...... Early Days report

How's this for a spotlight on Hong Kong?!?

Well, the first days at the Cannes Film Festival were a bit of an eye opener.  It is not that easy to arrive with no PR support and promote work on your own.   I know, i know... it LOOKS glam, but it is actually hard work.

We have come with seven of Focus on Film student's short works, all entered into the Cannes Short Film Corner.  The feedback has been amazing- across the board...  no one thinks for a second these are not actual adult film maker's work.  Even in casual conversation with producers and production houses you can see the eyes open wide when i explain what it is we do with the kids...  Yesterday, wonderful contacts were made with the Bournemouth Screen Academy and the Fremis (French film school).  The word is getting out!


Making my way across the floor i also plug my own personal work- in development the feature film Y4 Deathloop.  Reactions to the teaser/trailer are amazing.  Meetings planned, producers want to talk money...  but it's not my schtick!  So back to Hong Kong i will come and turn this all over to the REAL producers.

In the meantime, i will keep up the energy and keep getting those invites!  Anybody out there know anybody in attendance at Cannes they think i should look up????  Any lead is a good lead!

Doing it:  Cannes Style!

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Glad Y4 is kicking some ass =)
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 80548
Wow, great pics. I've just come back from HK! I was supposed to be there, but I will miss it this year. Hope your film goes well in Cannes. :-)
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 55551
Congrats darling.Your hard work is paying off! xx
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 11, 2007