Elissa Rosati
演员, 导演, 製片人
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CANNES! Film Fest and other stories

May 12, 2009


Local Non-Profit Film School Screens 7 Films at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner

Hong Kong SAR – Focus on Film, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young people through film will have 7 films screened at this year’s Cannes Film Festival in the short film corner.  All the films are produced, directed, shot, and acted in by students who have been through the Focus On Film programs.  They range in age from 11 to 21.  The films include:

"The Life of a Girl" (女孩的一生)

dir 導演: Grace Yau

-"Ana" (安娜)

dir 導演: Isaac Harrison/Alina Luk

-"Breaking It Or Not" (突破好麼)

dir 導演: Kirti Nandwani/Jennifer Lai

-"Sorrow" (憂傷)

dir 導演:  Morgane Azevedo

-"Orange Fall" (橙,墜下來)

dir 導演:  Tessa Ng

-"Orange You Glad" (橙,你很高興)

dir 導演:  Aaron Michaelson/Isaac Harrison

-"Orange Invasion" (橙之侵略)

dir 導演: Lian Furness/Wingshan Smith

The first three films “The Life of a Girl”, “Ana”, and “Breaking It or Not” were part of a 6 month long program sponsored by the Women’s Foundation where the participants explored the theme of gender stereotypes.  The other films were selected from various programs in the past two years including holiday camps and the Pangea Day World Wide initiative.   

This will be the second time Focus on Film’s work is screened on the international stage, the first of which was Pangea Day where Focus on Film was chosen to run workshops and the resulting work was broadcast globally.  

Focus on Film’s Founder and Artistic Director Elissa Rosati is currently in France and will be representing Focus on Film at Cannes in the hopes of extending bilateral programs with other film schools and non-profit organizations.  

Elissa is blogging from the front line:

Check it at


接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Photo 43244
接近 16 年 ago
Cool, make sure you check out ''Reiki' while in Cannes Elissa!
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 11, 2007