Official Artist
Elissa Rosati
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Barbara Wong supports our program... we are SMILING!

Yup, she's cool.  Barbara Wong is definitely totally okay in my book.

For those of you who have had the good fortune to meet her, or see her at work, you know Barbara is talented , lovely AND down to earth.   We are very fortunate to have her involved in the program: A Girl's Life.


Women's Foundation funding: 


Staff : 


Cool Hong Kong director on board: 



in place:  check

Venue borrowed begged and stolen.... 


( um, you guys all know that Focus on Film is a Charity, right?...)

Recruitment:  check... sort of##Now recruitment begins in earnest. Getting the word out is not as easy as advertising agencies make it look!  If only we HAD an advertising agency...

When you are grass roots, like we are at Focus on Film, it is all old skool. 

So this is where you all can help.  Spread the word about this program.  It is totally FREE and three films will be produced, all original material, all by young undiscovered talent.  All on the theme of gender stereotyping.  A worthy topic i am sure some of you know about first hand.

I got to talking to some schools about the program and the fact that it is called 'A Girl's Life' and i was voicing the opinion that boys would maybe not be interested in producing such a film.  One of the schools said that their boys would be very happy at a chance to explore the topic.  Then i started dreaming....  wouldn't it be cool if we had a group of guys that tackled the subject?  Full on.  I'd like to see that film.

In the meantime, here's a great video bite courtesy of Barbara-one-take-Wong.  Have a listen!

Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=htbhcSIbyPA

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Will get the word out to a couple of Profs in HK about your program to get them to let their students know! Good luck with this!
over 15 years ago


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August 11, 2007