Official Artist
Elissa Rosati
Actor , Director , Producer
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and here... we........ GO

It all happens so fast, and so slow at the same time these days.

In the meantime, did anyyone take the time to notice what a BEAUTIFUL day it is outside today.  Please do.  It is so rare to have that crisp clear blue sky with an autumnal chill in the air that i miss so much from the New England coast line.

Quick blog about the Girl's Life shoot.  My group (there are three) is shooting 'AnA;'  A story of a young girl who is struggling with her self esteem and body image.  We have shot for a few days now on different locations (one was at MY flay on NEW YEARS DAY!  Now that's dedication i tell you!  LOL!

Yesterday we shot some exteriors on the kids workshops.  They were unbelievably unprepared.  I tell you  - you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink.  Damage control kicked in and we salvaged some shots.  Actually the out of the box thinking and improvisation combined and we found a really really cool location and i think, (i hope, i pray) the scene will be better for it.

Then it was on the the 'sound stage' (it is really a black box theatre) and the kids first experience with lighting and managing a real interior from scratch.  Art Director didnt know what hit her, lighting designer turned around and around himself until it started clicking... and we all had a blast.  Today we shoot the scene they set with adult actors  and a makeup artist and the whole she bang.

What i loved the most about yesterday is after about two hours of having them kind of stare at me blankly with that 'now what do we do' look they fell into the groove and really began working in that wholy unique creative collaborative mode that is so holy.  So unique.  So what the planet needs.

Dare i say- it is gonna look fantastic.  Really amazing.

Okay, i'm off to do it

So happy to be me!

I'll put some photos soon

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 34128
Sweet. Sounds like things are going well. Looking forward to the pics.
about 16 years ago


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