elena ng
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Lunch Box..es

Recently working in office which is located in Cyperport..is a super nice environment but really take me 1.5 hours transportation 0

Thus, the lunch and sometimes breakfast i am gonna bring something convenience..thts really far from gd restaurant. I cooked most of the time at night for the other day of lunch, but when there are events until 12 and then get back home at 1am, i dont think i can contain the mood and energy to cook,haha

So! I am going to try the Japanese Easy food (What name i should call this kind of ?)

This one the package super nice and caught my eyes..Even a little detail design is gd!

Like this little detail is pretty interesting and make my moody to eat tht so gooooood

Oh yea, so this time i am trying this spaghetti....Hot water into the spaghetti and bacon with 5 min and then throw the water

and then the sources! the main point...Surprisingly there are pepper as well !!!

Finished !!!!!!!!!!!!

Taste like the restaurant, the only thing is not hot enough..maybe its my problem

If u wanna try it ,easy find it in SOGO, Causeway Bay

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
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its all about the George Foreman x Jackie Chan grill!
大约 13 年 ago


Currently working in alivenotdead and alive.cn... Always around Art, film and fashion Facebook : elenatung My Visual Diary http://elenang.tumblr.com/arc


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
December 17, 2005