What is seaport.exe SeaPort.exe is installed by various Windows Live applications. Officially, it is part of the Window Live Toolbar.
How does it affect your Window System?
The SeaPort service is setup as a Windows automatic service, which means that it runs at boot time on each and every start-up. This increases what may already be a painfully slow Windows boot-up sequence. Additionally, seaport.exe runs continuously in the background. This costs you ...Read more
I have been watching Autumn's Concerto on Youtube. I don't have the habit of watching TV programmes, this one caught my attention during the holiday season. I watched the first few episodes and continued through to follow the plots. Its shown once a week, every Sunday evening. For those on Youtube you will need to wait for a few hours before the drama is uploaded, its pretty prompt. The translated surtitle version will be later.
The love story of the lead cast played by Van Ness Wu, with b...Read more
“门当”(mén dāng),旧时官宦人家钉在大门上方的2个或4,6,8和9个小木桩。
The two red wooded pins at top of the door way ( 门当)
The two round(圆) stone drums (...Read more
I used to run a bra shop, so I'm pretty sensitive to cup size.
Today I went to our Frozen Yohurt Shop nearby to get myself a cup of Original Frozen Yohurt. I looked at the banner for my choice, Cup size A, Cup size B and Cup size C additional charges with Toppings.
I giggled and told the girl behind the counter, A please, she didn't hear me, and asked "Cup Size?" I replied, "Would like to say B but may I have an A please"
My secondary school schoolmates tracked me down through facebook.
I'm not a user of facebook but my friend spent a week tracking me down using facebook and found my sister's facebook account and wrote to her to ask about her sister.
So I was found and then came many SMS to drag me out to meet them. I was packed with meetings and trips so not able to meet them, but the SMS continued to come in.
After Beijing, when I arrived home, I insert my SIM card into my phone, the first message that came through...Read more
“好看,真好看!” 非常喜欢剧里的演员。十月圍城:有笑,有血有泪的一部好看的电影。
已经有很长的时间没看电影了。圣诞节,看了“不能没有你”后又买了隔天的“十月圍城”,没有期待,意外的惊喜,很喜欢“十月圍城”的场景的设计,在网上收集的质料:"影片投资1.5亿人民币,还原历史真实感,制作方耗资4300万人民币,史上首度以 1:1的比例,重铸了1905年的香港中环,包括皇后码头和皇后大街、《中国日报》社以及兰桂坊等地都将原貌重现,总占地面积超过100亩。片方透露,《十月围城》拍摄完成后,该巨景将作为“老香港的唯一留影”永驻上海,成为一处极具历史意义的全新文化。”难怪场景如此壮观,如此真实。原来是这样。就这一点已经很值得看。
摄影 Cinematography: 黄岳泰 Arthur Wong
艺术指导 Production De...Read more
Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们