Which is your favorite camera model and why? I hope to get more views. I personally avoid Canon, I like Nikon for their range of lenes, the flash technology but I wish to have the olympus E-P1 or the Panasonic GF1 because they really handy and good to travel with. WIng Liu mentioned the Leica M9, read the preview on dpreview, its a full frame camera, wow, in that body its worth looking at.
Photographers on AnD can you all share with me your favorite and the whys with comparisions? Thanks for any comments.
Option: Olympus E-P1, Panasonic GF-1, Leica M9
Herbie Yamaguchi suggested for me to get the Ricoh GR3 if I needed a light weight professional camera, I'm considering that.
Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们