Hair stylist watering the pavement,he is very cute! / 发形师在路边浇水。他好可爱!
Sashimi chef is very cute / 寿司师傅。。。更可爱
Confectionary chef is very humorous/ 著名的面包师傅。。。很有趣
Softbank service staff was very helpful though he did not speak English / Softbank 小帅哥非常勤快的帮我,虽然不讲英文,但还是积极的帮我。
Newspaper vendor - I was thrilled by how he displayed the newspaper, this is not uncommon / 买报的老人 - 我喜欢看他们把报纸排得那么有吸引力。
The old lady that dressed herself up / 爱美的老妇
Lady in Kimono / 穿和服的妇女
在日本见过的一些人。记忆很好!图中的前三位男生都帮过我。寿司师傅还请我吃寿司,和谈了好多话。These are some of the Japanese I have met in Japan. The first three gentlemen have been most helpful and were very nice to me.
Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们