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河(塞纳河,萊茵河,台伯河,阿諾河,大运河),River (Seine, Rhine, Tiber, Arno, Grand Canal)

Paris: River Cruise - Seine 塞纳河

塞纳河 是流经巴黎市中心的法国第二大河,全长780公里,流域面积7.8万平方公里。 维基百科

The Seine (French: ) is a slow-flowing major river and commercial waterway within the regions of IIe-de-France and Haute-Normandie in France and famous as a romantic backdrop in photographs of Paris, France... wiki

Frankfurt - River Cruise - Rhine 萊茵河

萊茵河 德语 : Rhein。發源於瑞士格劳邦顿州的阿尔卑斯山区,途经烈士敦士登、奥地利、德国和法国,于荷兰流入北海。全長约1230公里,通航段883公里,流域面积约20万平方公里 [1]。莱茵河的长度在欧洲排名第四,仅次于伏尔加河、多瑙河与第聂伯河,它同时也是世界上最繁忙的水道之一。 维基百科

The Rhine (German : Rhein) is one of the longest and most important rivers in Europe at about 1,232 km (766 mi), with an average discharge of more than 2,000 m 3/s (71,000 cu ft/s)... wiki

Italy - Rome - Tiber 台伯河

台伯河 (英語: Tiber,意大利語: Tevere, 拉丁语: Tiberis),一名 特韋雷河,位於意大利中部,全長406公里,是該國第三長的河流。意大利首都罗马位於河口以上25公里的東岸。 维基百科

The Tiber (Latin , Italian is the third-longest river in Italy, rising in the Apenine mountains in Emilia-Romagna and flowing 406 kilometres (252 mi) through Umbria and Lazio to the Tyrrhenian Sea ... Wiki

Italy - Florence - River Arno 阿諾河

阿諾河(意大利语 : Arno),或译为 阿爾諾河,是意大利托斯卡尼地區的河流,除了台伯河以外,阿諾河是義大利中部最重要的河流之一。佛罗伦斯、恩波利与比萨也位在阿諾河畔。 维基百科

The Arno is a river in Tuscany region of Italy. It is the most important river of central Italy after the Tiber... Wiki

Italy - Venice(威尼斯) - Grand Canal大运河

大運河(意大利语: Canal Grande、威尼斯语: Canałasso)是意大利威尼斯最重要的运河,也是威尼斯主要的水上交通網路的一部份。私人營運的水上计沉车乘车及水上巴士構成了威尼斯的公共运输網路,不過許多觀光客則會搭乘贡多拉。大運河長3,800公尺,寬30至90公尺,平均深度5公尺。 维基百科

The Grand Canal (Italian: Canal Grande, Venetian: Canałasso) is a canal in Venice, Italy. It forms one of the major water-traffic corridors in the city. Public transport is provided by water buses and private water taxis, but many tourists visit it by gondola. At one end the canal leads into the lagoon near Santa Lucia railway station and the other end leads into Saint Mark Basin: in between it makes a large S-shape through the central districts ("sestieri") of Venice. It is 3,800 m long, 30-90 m wide, with an average depth of five meters. Wiki

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Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们


english, cantonese, mandarin, hokkien
December 6, 2008