A friend visited this blog and was surprise to learn that I have been writing my blog in Chinese text as well. I had to explain my reason to her that it’s because I have many Chinese friends in this blog. Perhaps it has never come across to them that I am effectively bi-lingual. I guess most people have the tendency to use one language more frequently and lost the mastery of the other. However I have always have a strong interest in the Chinese Culture and language and I have never had any difficulty learning this language, and keeping my strength in this, though it was not my first language to learn in school. prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
Last night I was watching a CCTV program, "百家讲坛”with the subject on the study of the classic novel “红楼梦”. There were many in-depth discussions on this novel and many scholastic views by scholars with profound interest in this novel, on the written craft of the author "曹雪芹". Through listening to them, I have a better understanding on how a great piece of written work may be consider "great", indeed after listening to their interpretation and analysis on his style, his plot and the multiple techniques he has employed in creating this great literature work, I was astounded by the depth of this work which I have, in the past, only regarded, as a popular classic literature without acknowledging or understanding its "greatness".
Recently, I have subscribed to some documentary programs on Youtube on scientific discovery, which is my other interest. Being able to watch these really well documented programs also gave me avenue to learn, to better understand the solar system, the evolution of earth and human kinds, and it also allow me to explore my interest in the subject of religious study. Often times they escalated my weak understaning of the world. These programs were mostly made in English, so am I glad that I understand English and could enjoy these programs.
Now, in writing this, I hope to share my joy in being bi-lingual. With this capacity, it allows me to share views and learn from both sides of the spectrums, it is a privilege and a great advantage in every sense of word.
Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们