We've had three very intense and exciting shows so far since our opening night, yet each show felt so different...
It's just like an unseen creature that feeds on itself and grows organically to adapt to various situations that occurs...
Well, it's not a short run, but it WILL end on 29th November, so I really hope nobody will miss out on this roller-coaster ride that might or might not happen again so soon in our local theatre...
For those who are still making up their minds, ...Read more
Last night's performance was specially dedicated to the sponsors and supporters who made the show possible, and after our curtain call, we all got changed and headed over to Oosters Belgian Brasserie to meet the guests at the post-show gala reception...
I decided to just fully enjoy the moment, as well as the food, wine and chatter, without worrying about taking photos...
But at the end of the night, when the restaurant was about to close, I decided to whip out my faithful ca...Read more
A big thank you to some of you who came to support our stage production " Das Experiment: Black Box" on our opening night, and who'd bought tickets for the subsequent shows!!!
Despite some unexpected minor mishaps and technical flaws, everything went pretty well for our very first show, and we will keep on improving and doing our best...
Even the writer of the novel and movie,
It's been a crazy past few weeks, and I barely managed to keep my sanity juggling my design projects, recordings, casting calls and rehearsals for the play. To balance it all, I took moments off all that business to indulge in my birthday lunches and dinners with my family and friends...
So much apologies for not responding yet to comments from some of my previous blog entries!
Right now, it's only one more day to the opening and world-wide premiere of " Read more
After an intensive month of rehearsals, we are now less than a week to the world premiere opening of our new play, " Das Experiment: Black Box"!
For those who are interested, please check out the following image for the show's info and ticketing details:
All you fans of a cappella singing out there, you might already be aware of the following video on Youtube ...
If not, do check it out!
Especially if you are a Star Wars / John Williams fan...
John Williams Is The Manby Moosebutter (& Corey Vidal)
Video: http://www....Read more
Goodness gracious me, I just realised my last postings about my February Japan trip was done in early July, and it's been almost 5 months since!!!
Okay, I really should try to finish up the entire series soon, as I still have yet to post up those pics I took during last year's trip to Ho Chi Minh City , as well as this year's Songkran trip to Bangkok !!!
Here's a quick recap of the previous photo entries I had al...Read more
Being 36 isn't so bad!
Thank you all for your lovely greetings and well wishes!!!
I feel very blessed and definitely happy right now!!!
May Love and Light be with all of you!!!
<3 <3 <3
Here are some more random pics I took with my mobile phone ( Nokia N78), just for kicks...
Horned Beast
Discarded Plaything :)
Life in Singapore is really not too bad, but neither is it a bed of roses...
Without the anxieties of war or natural disasters, the common Singaporean is most concerned about " 柴米油盐酱醋茶" (everyday necessities)...
With the prices of everything going up except the most important thing: our wages, most Singaporeans have plenty to complain about...
But what do foreigners feel about it?
Here's one very passionate individual who has plenty to say about the rising costs......Read more