Sometimes life is just hard. Today seemed especially tough. I woke up earlier and went back to bed. Looking at my circumstances I should be happy and thankful, but let’s just face it. I’m not. I could be somewhere, I could be doing something, I could be blah blah blah.
I woke up a second time this feeling a bit more refreshed. This reminded me of the bible verse, “His mercies are new every morning.” Also, “I will give you rest.” and.. “Those who wait on the Lord will not grow weary…” So I began having a conversation with God.
Ed: What are the lies that I believe God?
God: You feel as though you’re worthless
me: What’s the truth?
God: You’re my son.
me: So, how does that change anything?
God: I know you better than you know yourself.
me: okay, so…
God: You are amazingly wonderfully and fearfully made in my image.
me: …
God: You are amazing Ed.
me: okay, so now what. I don’t feel that way sometimes.
God: Trust me, you are who I say you are. I know you better than you know yourself, and your what you perceive in your circumstances.
What you believe will determine what you do. I need to believe what God says about me, and not what anyone or anything around me might say.
Woohoo! I’m a rockstar!
Love = No Fear