what it do.. im still here.. alive, not dead yet.first and foremost, i wanna apologize for 85up2 not being able to perform at the Music Matters Party, and probably also the Tom Lee music fest this weekend. The group has decided that we can't perform with one of our members missing.. oh well.stepped out of my production role and acted as KZ's hypeman for his set in Beats In Vision. Shout outs to the Justice League and DumDue! Love your performances!!Yes, KZ's album is coming.. sorry for the delay. I had a great time working on it. YOU MUST BUY THE ALBUM! im already workin on the remix of the album, this remixtape should be available after the actual album is released.Oh ya, thanks to your Umbrella, i didnt get wet on saturday.Peace and LoveDoughBoy
Chronicles of the little skinny dude