One of my all time favourite bands.... back in action!!!!
Yeeeeeeeaaaah!!! Their new album 'Black Gives Way to Blue' is playing right now for the first time while I write this and boy am I getting the chills!!!! I love and missed this band sooooo much!!!
My all time Guitar hero/ songwriting guru is from this band... Jerry Cantrell... This man is the shit! I think my life would be close to complete if I ever saw them live and met this dude... Hate to sound cheesy but I had dreams when I was younger of meeting them back stage and being ask to join them for one song! One of the best dreams ever!!!
One of the saddest days for me was when the lead singer Layne Staley passed away and that there would be no more Chains... I was gutted... They are by far one of the most original sounding bands of all time! The combination of Layne and Jerry singing in harmony was just emotionally breath taking.
If I had never listened to Alice in Chains I think I would not be the musician I am today. This band totally stripped me away from all the metal and rock bands I was listening to while I was learning guitar and song writing as a teen. I was just blown away by melodies and moods I've never felt in music before. By far one of my biggest influences along side the other bands that have inspired me.
Now equipped with a new singer 'William DuVall' they have been on tour again and have finally complete a new Alice in Chains album... Of course people say " but its not the same with out Layne!" I totally agree but hey the guy can still sing. Close enough... And people say he looks like a younger Lenny Kravitz.. ha! You be the judge...
Who cares... he still sings pretty damn good! Alls I cares about is that... ALICE is back bitches!!!
Here are some old classic videos and new ones too...
Video: Classics from the album 'Dirt' Live
Video: new singer
Video: all Pantera Fans! Yes that's Jerry and Dimebag's (RIP) butt!
Video: Hero!
Video: ASS NEW SONGS!!!! Video:
OK... I'll stop now... Just check out the new album... They're back!!!
Oooo... let me show you what's new of my wish list!
So far so good on online videos but I must trytrytry... Bet its $$$$$!!!!
See you all at Halloween if not... Have a good one!