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D Miles
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Down for the count!

I recently went toe to toe with the infamous flu bug and let's just say the mind is strong but the body is not as young as it use to be! I've inhaled more drugs than a Pharmacist and my body still hurts. I normally don't do drugs (no pun intended) because I believe in the natural way of healing the body through herbs. My better half suggested that I filter certain chemicals through my body to help? I told her that the drugs they prescribe today only suppresses the symptom and doesn’t treat the root cause like herbal meds. So to prove my point I agreed to take the drugs and here I am a week later still sick! Man, I can’t wait to go to Chinatown this weekend!

about 17 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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Member Since
February 17, 2008