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25 not so random things...


1.    I1. I love chocolate chip cookies. I can eat them morning, noon and night… the Cookie-Monster has nothing on ME! I once lost a high-stakes game of poker for a dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies… I’m mental – I know.


2.    I2. I use to meditate to Buddhist music and chants… and no, I’m not Buddhist! It helped me as a personal bodyguard for a promoter of Punk/Metal concerts. I get the shakes just thinking about those days.


3.    I3. I wrote my first comic book adventure story in the second grade. All I can remember is that the story was about my talking sword, and me, which was really my father who guided me on my journeys. (Note: I grew up in a divorced and dysfunctional family) I think the sword represented something deeper inside of me that I lacked?


4.    I4. I was the only football player in the history of my High School to ever wear tights! :D Ok, I was in Drama and played the role of “Pharaoh” in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” The guys laughed at me but I got all the Cheerleaders that summer!


5.     5. When I was a kid, I use to wish I was the 6 th brother in the “Jackson 5” group and yes, when I got older I too dawned the infamous red leather jacket and penny loafers.


6.    I6. I eat my cereal with water and my favorite kind of cereal is Cookie-Crisp with Peanut Butter Captain Crunch! Yeah, I’m lactose but I’ve always love water with my cereal since childhood.


7.     7. Every formal/semi formal event I go to people always mistake me for security or bodyguard? Is it because of my size or the fact I hang out with a 5’ 7” Asian guy who looks like a movie star (DY)… Shameless plug, you owe me big for that one!


8.    I8. I have a phobia of needles… probably why I never fully pursued a career in Bodybuilding. It freaks my Dentist out because I get deep cleanings without Novocain… he thinks I’m a masochist.


9.    I9. I suffer from a bad case of insomnia brought on by my younger days of working doubles at Jack-N-the Box (3pm – 11:30pm) and 7 Eleven (Midnight – 9am) Monday thru Thursday and bouncing at nightclubs (8pm – 2am) Friday – Sunday. I put my body though hell for the “Hollywood” lifestyle that was overrated!


10.I 10. I use to be a Break-Dancer or B-Boy, which is the new term these days! I was a featured extra in a couple of movies that I’m too embarrassed to mention and toured with a crew called “Special Edition.”


11.I 11. I come up with all of my best concepts and ideas in the shower… It’s the only place I feel completely free and confident of my abilities. Something about cleansing my body, mind and spirit unlocks my full potential.


  1.  12.Before I was “Married with Children” I use to be a “Nike” fanatic with a $1200 dollar a month shoe and apparel habit… to this day I still have over a half dozen collectible items from Nike that I cherish.


13.I 13. I purposely use the term “Married with Children” in my last sentence because I was once David Faustino’s (Bud Bundy) personal bodyguard. Another life experience that I will never forget.


14.I 14. I would never admit this to anyone and to this day I will still denied it, but I cry inside and sometimes on the outside whenever I watch certain movies. I dare not mention them for the sake of blackmail, but most of them are in the Top 100 movies ever made.


15.I 15. I am the third oldest out of thirteen siblings and never had the chance to meet some of them. I plan on organizing a huge family reunion after I tackle my current projects.


16.I 16. I’ve always known that my father was Indian but never knew which kind of Indian until I was in my early twenties. He is Punjabi andthe Punjabi people are an Indo-Aryan ethnic group from South Asia (specifically Pakistan and India). I plan on tracing my heritage back to India someday.


17.I 17. I use to drive a 528i BMW and got pulled over everyday for two weeks straight in Irvine, California where I use to work and as soon as I traded my BMW for my Lincoln Navigator it stopped? (True Story) Can you say Racial Profiling?


18.I 18. I quit my high salary corporate gig against all odds to pursue my life-long dream of filmmaking. That story doesn’t have an ending… yet!


19.I 19. I have very bad nightmares of fighting the Devil for the throne of Hell when I sleep on my back. The same nightmare over and over… It has a deeper meaning but I’m not convertible with anyone especially a Shrink to discuss that particular nightmare. 

      20. I’m fascinated by technology and science… it’s the inner Geek in me yearning to get out but my very vivid imagination and love of all things Anime and Comics keep the inner Geek at bay! The day I learn to harness both powers will be the end of the World, as you know it! Muhahaha!


2     21. I am disturbingly competitive and once beat an 8-year-old girl in a game of “Hopscotch” three times in a row! The worst part about it was that I was her guidance counselor at summer camp. I have a problem – I know… but at least I recognize the problem, unlike some others that I will not name.


22   22. Some of my pet peeves are Liars, who know they’re lying to you but still, do it! Why? People that don’t acknowledge or thank you for letting them cut you off in traffic. The guy who litters in broad daylight and has no remorse about it. Celebrities who think that renting a Hybrid for the weekend and wearing a non-recycled t—shirt is “Green.” News flash! Green is a lifestyle not a fade or trend… you should have your Human footprint done to really see the damage you’re doing to Mother Earth! Don’t get me wrong… I’m not a Green freak but I’m not posing as one either!


  1.  23. Faith and Religion is very important to me… I just hate the fact that some religions (nameless) look down on others, while some state that you MUST go to church in order to be saved. What about all the cave dwellers who believed in a higher being and faith before Christ that didn’t have the good book to guide them? If you have faith and live your life in a righteous way you should have the same offerings as the Churchgoers. I know – I know… What about the teachings and fellowship? Well that brings up another discussion within itself about who’s teaching and a book based on a select group of individuals who were inspired by Christ. I rather not open up a can of worms on religion… and YES; I am a God fearing man who believes in faith.


24   24.  I like pie! (Apple, Pumpkin, Pecan, Sweet Potato, Chocolate Chip Tollhouse)


25   25. I figured number 24 should be short since I went over board on 23! Finally, I love myself and hate myself. I married my post High School sweetheart and we’ve been together for over 22 years… She is my heart and soul, without her I am incomplete. I think family is very important in life and should always come first and the family that prays together stays together. I tend to take myself too serious and sometimes have to force myself to laugh at myself. I’m as real as it gets and sometimes what I say can hurt but it’s just my nature… I don’t know how to be anyone but me so forgive me if I’ve offended anyone. Last but not least, trick me once and that’s on me – trick me twice and that’s on you – trick me a third time and I pray you have a good health insurance plan!


Thank you Mrs. Scarlett and Peachey for inspiring me to write this after reading your 25 things!


about 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Photo 41406
D... you know that now I know you were a Bboy you will have to break when i'll be there right ? ;)
about 16 years ago
Photo 41406
Oh and yeah me too I usually have my best ideas in the shower... I used to believe my shower was magic... -_-;
about 16 years ago


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