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D Miles
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24hr Fasting Challenge Complete!


I can’t believe that I actually went 24 plus hours without any FOOD! I’m so proud of myself for sticking it out and finishing the challenge… now is off to bed. I’m going to need lots of rest in order to fill my stomach to the MAX! Thanks to my mid-day crew (DY, Tommy, Loan) for helping me get through the toughest part of the day! Today, after I wake up from my semi-comma of rest it’s off to the GYM to sweat with DY and then we’re putting Loan to work! Heehee! BTW, I kind of ripped the AnD shirt given to me at the mixer but in a good way! ; DThe new and improved D. Miles...


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
Photo 41406
YEAH !! Congrats D =) Tomorrow it's crepes day to celebrate that haha !!!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Tight congrats on completing the impossible hehe.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 50938
wait, you're telling me DY kept you away from food? *blinks* well... that's peculiar... or did he snatch and eat everything you could get your hands on? that's more like him LOL I'm glad for you, though. Congratulations! ;)
almost 16 years ago
Photo 282807
me and you are going to have a contest HOMIE!!!!.....SAMOAN HULK VS. THE MILE BEAST....HAHA
almost 16 years ago
Photo 55108
well done man! 24hrs without intake is tough .....good on ya for raising for charity.
almost 16 years ago


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